
Fourteen channel video and audio installation

Narrow waterfalls, of sizes ranging from the smallest brooks to the highest cataracts were filmed with the camera in a vertical position. The sound was recorded at the same time.

The film recordings were projected horizontally, so the water would appear to flow/fall from right to left. They were arranged abutting each other, so the bottom of one waterfall ended in the top of the next one, thus forming a continuous ring of flow around the whole room. Above each projection there was a speaker, playing the sound of just that waterfall.

In the installation the big and the small waterfalls all occupy the same horizontal length. And similarly, the heavy drone of the big waterfalls and the dribbling sound of the small ones have the same volume.

The water’s movement round the room varied, because of the different speed of the flow according to the size of the waterfalls. The big ones appear to fall slowly and majestically, with a thundering sound, whereas the small ones seem to trickle fast with a higher pitched sound.

In a few of the projections there is more than one alternating waterfall, so sound and image are under constant, slow change. In all there are 20 waterfalls in the installation.

Installation view, The National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavík, 2024